
CURRENT PROJECTS > Poetry & Intruders


The pianist and composer Balanyà presents POETRY & INTRUDERS, his new project, with dancer Hamza Baroune. Baroune and Balanyà express their particular poetry, their non-conformism and their ethical and social commitment through time and space.

Both stimulate the senses of sight and hearing in the minds of the audience and govern them, arousing the desire to listen to the dance and watch the music.

Their performance, lasting about 60 minutes, shows a work of beauty both new and old, an improvisation of movement and music. The duo speaks of the peace of the moment and the violence of the centuries.

Video clip

Television interview and recording of the premiere of Poetry & Intruders, December 3, 2024 in Brussels

  • The career of the Catalan pianist Josep-Maria Balanyà, born in Barcelona, with 27 CD recorded and more than 140 works, has taken him from the classical music and jazz until his specialisation into the field of improvisation and the new contemporary, experimental music and performance. Internationally recognised, Balanyà is also composer, conductor of improvising orchestras, sound artist, painter and photographer.

    He studied in Barcelona and Switzerland (Swiss Jazz School and Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Bern), he attended composition workshops, led by Helmut Lachenmann, Walter Zimmermann and Ivan Fedele, and improvisation workshops by Borah Bergman in New York.

    Among his works are multimedia projects for piano, voice, electronics, video, Butoh dance, sculpture and sound installations. His works as a solo pianist reflect his interest in complimenting the pure sound of the piano with pieces for the prepared or extended piano.

    He has created sound sculptures and sound installations, which can be played by the audience / visitors.

    He has played with first-rate musicians including Claudio Pontiggia, Hans Koch, Joachim Kühn, Franz Hautzinger, Carlos Zingaro, Michiel Borstlap, Walter Quintus, Ksenija Lukic, Das Neue Ensemble Hannover, Americo Rodrigues, Hannah Marshall, Hannah Ma (dance), Ulrich Mitzlaff, Ramón López, Mimi Barthélemy among others.

    Balanyà has played in festivals and radio programs in many countries in Europe and America. He has received several grants in Germany and Switzerland. He is currently based in Brussels and Barcelona.

    He has developed his most imaginative actions at the boundary between music and performance, such as a recital in complete darkness at the Sendesaal of Bremen or the concert for the bells of Trier’s cathedral (Germany).

    The concerts by Balanyà are powerful ​rituals –​ it could be said that he plays the piano with his whole body – during which ​we can perceive the presence of music change into matter.

  • Hamza Baroune was born in Tamanarte, Morocco. Danseur hip-hop. Interprète. Il a découvert la danse dans la rue en 2013. Depuis lors, il a rejoint des groupes de danse (Funky Boys, Black Jack) et a participé à des compétitions en solo et en groupe.

    Son talent l’a conduit à intégrer l'équipe nationale du Maroc, ce qui lui a permis de représenter son pays lors de compétitions internationales.

    Au fil de son parcours, Hamza a également découvert la danse contemporaine grâce à des formations. Cela lui a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives artistiques et lui a permis de s'intégrer dans le milieu de la danse avec des compagnies internationales telles que Col’Jam (Maroc), No Way Back et Dunia Dance Theatre (Belgique). 

    En plus de son interprétation, Hamza est aussi passionné par la chorégraphie. Récemment, il a commencé à créer ses propres œuvres et à explorer son parcours en tant que chorégraphe.

    Son approche unique mêle les éléments du hip-hop et de la danse contemporaine, créant ainsi des compositions originales et captivantes.

    Aussi, il aspire à partager sa vision artistique en tant que chorégraphe et à faire découvrir ses créations au public. Il est déterminé à explorer de nouveaux horizons en tant

    qu'artiste et à contribuer au développement de la danse en tant que forme d'expression artistique.

    Doté d'audace, d'un sens dramatique et d'une grande sensibilité, Hamza n'hésite pas à explorer tous les aspects de la danse.